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When a wedding is being planned and the date is fixed, these are main areas you have to take in to account.
 1. Selecting the place for the wedding. This depends mainly on the theme you want to have for the wedding.
 2. Checking availability of the place and making a prior booking. Once you have booked the place then comes a list of things you have to go through for availability and selection.
3. Who will dress the bride?
4. Who will be the official photographer?
5. Who will make the flower arrangements?
6. Who will entertain your guests. Who will be our wedding band? As Kings Band is a musical outfit who has more than 30 years of experience in performing at weddings I will give you some very useful tips to select the band for the wedding.
7. Whether the band I take will be the Type of music my invitees prefer?
8. How long the band has been together?
9. Whether there are any videos available of the band?
10. Website/youtube channel/Facebook pages, Page one, page two, page three, page four/email/could be contacted over the phone 24/7.
11. Is it a reputed practicing band?
12. Punctuality?
13. How my closest friends grade them?
14. Do they have their own sound system?
15. Do they come with their own lighting system?
16. Is there a regular/familiar DJ who could perform alongside with them?

Await some more articles...........

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